Ten Curious Facts About Chocolate

Ten Curious Facts About Chocolate
Ten Curious Facts About Chocolate

1. In fact, chocolate as we know it today is not quite real. It is best for the chocolate to be bitter, with a maximum cocoa content. However, today the chocolate delicacy is produced too sweet, natural oils are replaced by artificial flavors. Thanks to them, the taste becomes sweeter. Outraged, the acclaimed masters of chocolate in Switzerland founded an association to fight for pure chocolate.

2. Chocolate has not always been consumed solid. For many centuries, only a hot beverage was produced from cocoa. The Indians, who first began to use the fruits of cocoa in food, collected them from the ground and mixed them with hot water. They also added chili. Archaeologists have found some time ago that the aborigines of Central America produced chocolate beer.

3. Chocolate improves mood. The substance tryptophan, which is contained in it, contributes to the production of endorphins, the hormones of happiness. It is even believed that chocolate can cure depression. But this is debatable, as some studies show that people who often consume chocolate are more prone to nervous disorders.


4. Chocolate cures cough and handles it almost better than special drugs. In addition, chocolate, unlike pills, has no side effects.

5. Chocolate helps with toxicosis during pregnancy. In addition, chocolate reduces the risk of complications during and after childbirth because it relaxes muscles and strengthens blood vessels. Young dads can also calm their nerves with chocolate bars better than with traditional alcohol.

6. Chocolate prevents the formation of deadly diseases because it contains natural antioxidants - catechins, which also slow down the aging process in the body. The flavonoids and phenols contained in chocolate prevent heart attacks and strokes. They protect and strengthen the circulatory system, prevent narrowing of blood vessels.

Black chocolate
Black chocolate

7. Chocolate does not spoil the shape. Unless milk, sugar, nuts, raisins are added to the chocolates. Dark chocolate is dietary. There is even a chocolate diet. It includes 100 grams of bitter chocolate a day with a cup of dark coffee, which speeds up metabolism, plus water or tea. The diet promises a loss of 4 pounds per week.

8. Chocolate is actively used in cosmetics. Beauty salons often offer chocolate treatments. It was once thought that chocolate could cause pimples or rashes, but scientists have proven that this is not the case. In addition, chocolate is rich in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, which regulate cellular metabolism and strengthen the bone system.

9. Chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac. The famous courtesan Madame de Pompadour was sure that the fire of passion could only ignite a hot chocolate drink. A recent study shows that chocolate causes four times stronger and more passionate kisses.

10. People spend up to $ 7 billion a year on chocolate. Consumption of chocolate increases significantly in late autumn. The average annual consumption of chocolate by one person is 5.5 kilograms.
