Fruits With Low Glycemic Index

Fruits With Low Glycemic Index
Fruits With Low Glycemic Index

Fruits are an excellent food when looking for health effects on the daily menu, as they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and very little fat. Fresh fruits are the ones that lead to preferences, and the low glycemic index of most of them gives them the top spot, along with vegetables, in the list of healthy foods.

The glycemic index is a number that gives an idea of the degree to which carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels when consumed. The slow rise in blood sugar is the desired effect of food, because it protects the body from sharp jumps in this indicator and provides stable insulin levels. Thus, weight control is easy and diets to maintain a healthy weight are successful.

On the values of the glycemic index influenced by various factors. In the case of fruits, this is their degree of ripening. A well-ripened fruit contains more sugar and this increases its glycemic index. A typical example is the banana. Well matured fruit has a moderate to high glycemic indexwhile the green banana is low.

Another reason that affects this indicator is the amount of fruit contained in one serving. Watermelon has a high glycemic index, but sugar does not have the same effect as other types of food, because one serving contains a small amount of sugar and a lot of water.

Most fruitsthat grow in temperate climates have low glycemic index. We can easily find our way in the choice, because this means that almost every fruit that grows in our country is suitable for a possible healthy fruit diet.

The cherries are among fruits with the lowest levels of glycemic index. On a scale from 0 to 100, they have only a value of 22 units.

They are followed by pears, plums and apples, also with values below 50. Grapefruit is very close to the cherry with a low glycemic index. All citrus fruits, especially lemons, limes, oranges are also in this group.

Some dried fruits, such as apricots, can also find a place among those suitable for a healthy diet, although when dried, the glycemic index rises with the removal of water from them.
