We Pick Fruits And Vegetables In Supermarkets! The Future Is Here

We Pick Fruits And Vegetables In Supermarkets! The Future Is Here
We Pick Fruits And Vegetables In Supermarkets! The Future Is Here

There is no doubt that fresh fruits and vegetables are the best. This makes the idea of picking them directly at the supermarket more than ingenious.

The Berlin-based startup Infarm has embarked on the difficult task of deploying the so-called vertical farms in large stores and supermarkets. In them, each customer will be able to pick the fruit or vegetable he wants to buy.

The idea of vertical farms is not new at all. However, Infarm takes it to a new level. The idea involves the use of modular segments. This uses much less space. Thus, this platform can be used in any mall, grocery store or even a restaurant.

It doesn't sound bad - you like a fruit, pick it and put it in your shopping basket. The first to take advantage of Infarm's idea were the Germans. They already have a vertical farm in one of the largest supermarkets in Berlin.

Vertical trusses
Vertical trusses

The idea of the company is three years old, in which it must expand the vertical farms in other countries. They are a wonderful example of a healthy living urban environment. It will allow citizens to easily touch fresh and freshly picked products.

Each fruit is monitored by sensors. They provide the production with constant irrigation and nourishment. The smart system shows customers where the harvest is ready and it's time to harvest. This prevents losses and raises agricultural food production in the urban environment to a new level.

Vertical cultivation of vegetables
Vertical cultivation of vegetables

The difference from mass production is that pesticides that are so harmful to our health are not used. Healthy, fresh and delicious - the future of shopping is on our doorstep.
