Household Tricks

Household Tricks
Household Tricks

If your refrigerator does not work, store the oil in salt water by removing its packaging. So it tastes much better. The oil should float freely.

If there is a lot of leftover food sticking to the walls in the microwave, put a bowl of water on and turn on at maximum power. Then all you have to do is wipe with a towel.

To avoid staining your hands and the meat hammer when hammering steaks, wrap them in cling film. If not, wrap them in a plain plastic bag.

The best way to clean a porcelain cup from layers is to pour mineral water into it. Leave the water on overnight and rinse in the morning.

Household tricks
Household tricks

To collect fine pieces of a broken glass, illuminate the floor with a flashlight at an angle. Thus, even the smallest pieces of glass will become noticeable.

To collect the pieces of glass from the floor, roll a ball of plasticine, dough or fresh bread on the floor. And the smallest pieces, invisible to the eye, will stick to the ball.

To drive a nail high above your head, punch a piece of cardboard with the nail. Use cardboard as a nail holder, it will not fall out of it.

Sausages are easier to clean if you pierce them with a fork. They will increase in size if you pour boiling water over them, and the shell will fall off on its own.

If you have soiled your hands with oil paint, smear them with oil, this will help remove the paint.

Put raw fish heads under the roots of the plants. Do not worry that they will rot and smell bad. After a month, dig the soil and you will not find a trace of the head. To make the candles burn better, rub them with moist soap.
