The Different Strawberry Jam You Will Fall In Love With

The Different Strawberry Jam You Will Fall In Love With
The Different Strawberry Jam You Will Fall In Love With

When preparing the jam, some important rules that we have inherited from our grandmothers and old cookbooks and notebooks must be followed.

The fruit for the jam should not be overripe and dark.

Not all fruits are treated the same. Some fruits are just cleaned, such as raspberries and strawberries, others are pitted, and others are peeled.

To get a light jam, you should not cook more than 1-2 kg.

If the jam is very thick, it becomes sugary and cannot be served with a spoon, and if it is very rare - it has the appearance of a thick compote, which is still not a sought-after effect when you prepare grandmother's jam according to a recipe.

The jam syrup is ready when a drop of it stands on the edge of a porcelain plate.

If we want to add a different touch to our jam, fragrant leaves such as indrishe or fresh mint, even basil or vanilla flavor can help. All these flavors are added at the last minute, ie 5-10 minutes before removing the jam from the heat.

Here's a slightly different option for our favorite strawberry jam. With the addition of different flavors, you can get a really delicious strawberry jam.

Definitely never ferments. Try to wash the jars in which the jam will be stored very well and make sure they are dry before closing them.

The different strawberry jam you will fall in love with

Berries - 2.5 kg

Sugar - 2.5 kg

water - 3.5 tsp.

Juice of 1 lemon

fresh mint - 50 g

Pour half of the prepared sugar into a bowl for cooking jam. Distribute the provided sugar evenly and pour washed and cleaned strawberries on top.

Pour the remaining sugar and water and leave for a day.

A day later, when the strawberry gives the juice, put the pot on the fire and lifting the sugar from the bottom, that is, dissolve, bring to a boil, turn off and remove the resulting foam. Leave the jam for 1 day.

After a day we return the jam to the fire. With such a step-by-step cooking of the jam, we prevent it from becoming sugary and not acidifying during storage.

Add the jam to the desired density, add lemon juice and washed mint leaves 5 minutes before removing the strawberry jam from the stove.

The last stage is to distribute the already cooked to the desired density jam in jars and sterilize for about 10-15 minutes.

Then turn the jars upside down and let them rest and cool. After complete cooling, they can be stored in a dark and dry place.

Accordingly, if the jam is well sealed and cooked properly, it can last in your closet or basement for up to two years, if not longer.

Once you open it to eat deliciously from favorite strawberry jam, can be stored for about three weeks, and in the refrigerator - much longer.
