The Japanese Boast Of Dishes In Condoms

The Japanese Boast Of Dishes In Condoms
The Japanese Boast Of Dishes In Condoms

A condom is the most popular and safest means of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases as well as pregnancy. However, the people of Japan also found a slightly different use of condoms. They decided to bring condoms into local cuisine, as there was a drop in condom sales in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Writer Kosuke Kagami and blogger Okada Hiroshi Tatsuki have released a book explaining how interesting dishes can be prepared with condoms. The two enthusiasts used this method because they wanted to draw the attention of their compatriots to precautions during sex in a more interesting way.

The unusual culinary reading, called I want to cook you a condom, caused a real furor among the locals. It introduces readers to traditional dishes that are not prepared with condoms, but inside them, that is, condoms are used instead of kitchen utensils.

The authors of the book are more than convinced of the durability of this type of contraceptive. They even prefer them to trays and other baking dishes. According to Kagami and Tatsuki, condoms are also effective in cooking or frying.

The Japanese boast of dishes in condoms
The Japanese boast of dishes in condoms

The recipes they offer can be made very easily, and the dishes are ready relatively quickly. Writer Kosuke Kagami and blogger Okada Hiroshi Tatsuki have chosen to publish eleven of their best ideas in the book.

From the reading you will learn how to prepare sushi in a characteristic shape, cupcakes and rice. The authors also reveal how to cook snails in butter, biscuits and fruit parfait with the help of a condom. The names of the dishes are also specially selected. Among them, the recipe for a condom with meat filling is undoubtedly impressive.

To try the eccentric offers of Kosuke Kagami and Okada Hiroshi Tatsuki, you do not need any specific condoms, but ones that you can get from any pharmacy or supermarket. However, there is no mention of whether they need to be cleaned in a special way before use.

The unique cookbook has already taken a place in the Top 100 best-selling titles. It also boasts a 5-star rating on the Amazon site. I want to cook you a condom can be ordered for 250 yen or 2.3 USD.
