What Are The Biggest Possible Blunders In The Kitchen

What Are The Biggest Possible Blunders In The Kitchen
What Are The Biggest Possible Blunders In The Kitchen

It takes a lot of patience and especially free time to prepare delicious food at home. However, most ladies work and hurry when they cook, which is why they often make big mistakes.

A study of foodpanda took out the most common mistakes of women during cooking and ranked them.

Sugar instead of salt

Most women mix sugar with salt while cooking because of the uniform appearance and uniform color of the two spices. The most unpleasant thing about this mistake is that it is understood only when you try the dish, ie. it is already cooked and baked. The ladies in the study say they often add salt to coffee instead of sugar.


Most people are helped by the various containers in which they store the spices. For example, red for sugar and blue for salt.

Chili instead of ketchup

Ketchup and chili are also confused because of the almost identical color of the sauces. The hosts say that it is not uncommon to spice up a dish in a hurry, pouring chili instead of ketchup.

For people who do not like spicy, the dish will not be tasty at all, but it becomes even more unpleasant when the person who ate chili is allergic to spicy.

Different storage containers can help in this case as well.

Forgetting the pan with fat

It got tanned
It got tanned

Women who often prepare their food at home have more than once forgotten the frying pan with fat on the hot plate.

Coming home from work, the ladies immediately turn on the stove and put fat in it in order to save time. In the meantime, however, it happens that someone calls on the phone or a neighbor looks for them at home.

So often the pan with hot fat remains forgotten. Although your first reaction will be to pour water on the pan, do not do so, because this will bring repairs to the entire kitchen.

Remove the pan only when you cover it and wait for the fat to cool before releasing the water.

The most important tip is when anchoring not to do several things at once, especially when you are a novice cook. So forget the phone or anything else that distracts you while you prepare the meal.
