Cashews Are Good For The Heart

Cashews Are Good For The Heart
Cashews Are Good For The Heart

Cashews, also known as Indian peanuts, are known as one of the healthiest supplements to almost any diet.

A study by Harvard scientists showed that consuming 60 grams of cashews a week is good for the cardiovascular system.

These nuts improve the function of blood vessels and lower the levels of "bad" cholesterol.

30 grams of cashews contain 160 calories, coming mainly from the useful unsaturated fats.


These nuts also contain honey - an element of exceptional benefit for the function of the nervous system, as 30 grams of cashews contain about 70% of the Indicative Daily Intake (RDA) for honey, both for women and men.

Cashews also contain magnesium, which offers 25% ODP for women and 20% for men. Magnesium supports muscle function and improves the body's energy balance.

Unsatisfactory amounts of magnesium can lead to high blood pressure, muscle spasms and migraine attacks.

Raw cashews contain more iron than roasted cashews. Iron helps prevent muscle weakness, general fatigue and good blood circulation and vitality.

30 grams of raw cashews contain 1.9 milligrams of iron, which provides 11% of the ODP for women and 24% for men.

Nuts porridge
Nuts porridge

During heat treatment, the amount of iron is reduced to 1.2-1.3 milligrams in 30 grams of roasted nuts.

Selenium is another mineral that is more concentrated in raw nuts. 30 grams of this cashew contains 5.6 micrograms of selenium, which gives 10% of the ODP for both sexes.

Roasted nuts are significantly poorer in this mineral, and in the same amount, they contain only 3.3 micrograms of selenium.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that maintains the optimal condition of DNA and cell membranes, protecting them from damage.

Selenium deficiency in the body is associated with the appearance of a number of cancers.

Cashews can be consumed as a snack between main meals or added to various salads, soups and purees.

You can store the cashews in the refrigerator, where they will last about six months, or in the freezer, where they will keep for about a year.
