These Are 4 Of The Most Fragrant Foods In The World

These Are 4 Of The Most Fragrant Foods In The World
These Are 4 Of The Most Fragrant Foods In The World

Smell is one of our best developed senses and we often trust it completely, even if we have not seen or touched anything. This sense of ours is extremely important when we talk about food.

Just think if you can taste the food when you are sick and your nose is blocked. If you lose your sense of smell, you automatically lose your sense of taste, because they both go in combination to function properly. Now we will present you the proven strongest smelling foods, which there is no way to go wrong once you smell.

Burgundy cheese is not the only strong-smelling cheese, but it is definitely the one with the most unpleasant and pronounced smell. According to some allegations, it has been banned from public transport in France in the past because its pungent odor is terrifying.

Blue cheese
Blue cheese

Dried fish - a common and common food, the smell of which is easily recognizable, no matter what part of the world you are in.

Lutfisk - a typical Norwegian dish, which according to most people tastes like soap. It literally means "slimy fish", because in order to prepare white fish it is soaked in a gelatinous texture with which it gets drunk, and the end result of processing this "delicacy" can be life-threatening, because the fish is treated with caustic soda..

Kiwiak - made from seal skin, which is filled with thousands of small birds along with feathers and everything else. The skin is sutured, covered with stones and left to overwinter under the snow, as if in a refrigerator. During this time, the enzymes in the stomach break down the birds, forming an extremely foul-smelling Kiwi.

If you happen to be close to some of these more or less common foods, you will certainly smell them from afar.
