How Do We Know If Vegetables And Fruits Are Fresh?

How Do We Know If Vegetables And Fruits Are Fresh?
How Do We Know If Vegetables And Fruits Are Fresh?

It has happened to everyone to buy tomatoes from the market, which the next day are already rotten and useless.

The masterful tricks of the vegetable and fruit sellers are able to sell you prunes, and you to think that they are dates. That is why you need to learn to abstract from the opinion of traders and to recognize for yourself which products are fresh and reliable.

Lettuce often plays bad jokes on us. Even a few hours after you buy it lettuce can stumble and lose its fresh look.

The next time you go shopping, take a leaf of lettuce and rub it between your fingers. The salad is fresh only when the leaves are thick and tender to the touch. Otherwise, do not shop.


Sometimes buying a garlic that doesn't rot after a few days turns out to be a mission impossible. Of course, garlic can't stay in your fridge for weeks and look completely fresh.

However, resistant garlic heads are recognizable by the strength of its cloves. They must be uninjured and free of stains. You should feel a slight softness to the touch.


If you want to buy fresh broccoli, pay attention to whether its leaves are healthy and bright green and whether the rose is closed. It is especially important that it is green-blue in color. Under no circumstances put broccoli in your basket, whose roses are dissolved and yellowish in color.

Fruits generally spoil faster than vegetables, so more care is needed here when selecting them on the market. If you want to make sure you buy fresh and juicy oranges, use the scale for a wizard.

How do we know if vegetables and fruits are fresh?
How do we know if vegetables and fruits are fresh?

Choose several approximately identical fruits and weigh them. The heavier they are, the more juices the oranges have and are therefore fresher. Think about it the next time the scale shows 1 kilogram for 5-6 oranges - this means that they are old and tasteless.

Fresh apples are easily recognizable. All you have to do is tap one fruit with your finger on the rind in the area near the stalk. You have nothing to worry about if the sound is thick and dull - be sure to buy fresh apples that will last for weeks.

Mango is generally not very popular in our country. However, it has long been available in our markets. In most cases, it is picked green so that it can withstand being transported to different parts of the world.

The ripe mango is recognizable by the wonderful fruity aroma it feels. Fresh mangoes must have a strong rind, which gives very little pressure under light pressure. It is not recommended to buy too soft fruit with dark spots on it.
