Bulgur Diet

Bulgur Diet
Bulgur Diet

If you are looking for a cheap way to add fiber and protein to your diet, then bulgur may be quite suitable for this. This is whole grain wheat that is blanched in steam and then crushed into pieces. Bulgur undergoes minimal processing and therefore retains almost one hundred percent of its nutritional value.

Bulgur is low in fat and does not contain any unsaturated fats and cholesterol, it is a source of protein, which makes it a great nutritional supplement to low-calorie diets. High in fiber, protein and low in fat, it can make you feel full without adding a gram to your weight. Keep in mind that a cup of bulgur has fewer calories, less fat and twice as much fiber as brown rice.

Bulgur diet
Bulgur diet

Due to the minimal processing to which the bulgur is subjected, it does not lose the proteins and minerals contained in it. This means that it is an ideal dietary base that allows you to replace fatter protein sources like most meats with it.

The insoluble fiber contained in bulgur absorbs water, which encourages the body to get rid of waste faster and prevent the formation of fat in the body. It has more fiber than oats, buckwheat and corn. Its ability to satiate you with much fewer calories makes it suitable for people on a diet.

Bulgur has been an integral part of the traditional Mediterranean diet for thousands of years. It is becoming increasingly popular in modern healthy eating and vegetarian diets. It is rich in vitamins such as iron, phosphorus and manganese, which supplemented with protein are close to the profile of legumes, and vitamins supplemented with folic acid bring it closer to spinach, asparagus and Brussels sprouts.

To increase weight loss, it is good to replace rice in your diet with bulgur. It has a lower glycemic index than white rice, which will help you stabilize your blood insulin levels and control your weight.

As you can see, you can replace rice, meat, add it to any dish or salad, use it for breakfast sweetened with a spoonful of honey without worrying that you have lost the important nutrients your body needs.
