Eating Pizza Betrays What Kind Of Person You Are

Eating Pizza Betrays What Kind Of Person You Are
Eating Pizza Betrays What Kind Of Person You Are

With the development of technology and the publication of every second photo on the Internet, it has become too easy for psychologists to read everyone's character. Specialists simply open a profile and from what they see can judge who is what kind of person. However, there are few people left who do not share every intimacy of their daily lives on social networks. However, experts have found a way to read the personality of these last Mohicans. This can be done simply by watching them eat pizza.

Yes exactly. Eating pizza can tell you what kind of person you are. You will ask: In how many ways can pizza be eaten, so that even a personal characteristic can be made? The answer is four. At least that's what star psychologist Patti Woods, who is the most frequently hired tabloid expert overseas, says when the tabloids want to know what the body language of a celebrity says.

According to Woods, every human action, even eating a piece of pizza, tells the story of the performer. Specifically for the Italian specialty, the psychologist claims that from its consumption can be determined four types of behavior - dominant, stimulating, presenting and corresponding.

The representatives of the first type are those people who are not pretentious. They are hungry and want to satisfy their need. It is characteristic of them that they want everything, at any cost and do not bother to get it without considering themselves and others. People with such personal characteristics do not care that the pizza is old or without spices, for example. She eats quickly and nervously.

The second type of people are those who eat the crust of a slice of pizza first, instead of the tastier and stuffed part. These are people who love drama, but at the same time love to show and develop their influence on others. They enjoy the attention and look for it in every way.

Eating pizza
Eating pizza

The third type of people are those who eat pizza with a knife and fork, even if there are no conditions for it. These individuals are faithful, reliable and resilient. The other's opinion of them is always before theirs. In their quest to please, they often neglect themselves. They are happy when their environment feels good thanks to them.

The last are the people who just eat. They try to satisfy their hunger, but they do not do it at any cost. They eat as they see fit and always start eating a slice of pizza from a sharp edge. These people are closest to normalcy of all behavioral archetypes. They know that pizza is made just to eat, without unnecessary dramatization. This is exactly their basic principle that guides them in life.
