What To Replace Late Meals

What To Replace Late Meals
What To Replace Late Meals

What to eat late at night so as not to gain weight, but also not to turn in bed without being able to sleep, tormented by hunger?

Whatever you eat late at night, the food will be difficult to digest. It is best to have dinner at least three hours before bedtime. But when it's late and you feel like eating, try drinking a glass of water or green tea first, as dehydration often causes the false feeling of hunger.

It is even better to drink rosehip tea, it has an appetite suppressant. If you have already had dinner, but before going to bed you just can not get rid of the feeling of hunger, eat a handful of dried fruit. Chew them slowly to feel full.

Late in the evening you can eat fresh fruit, such as orange and apple, cut them into pieces and chew each piece quite slowly.

What to replace late meals
What to replace late meals

A banana at bedtime calms the nervous system and satiates. In order not to harm your elegant silhouette, emphasize dairy products before bed.

Before going to bed you can satisfy your hunger with an omelet made of two proteins. Light vegetable soup is also suitable before bed, as well as a salad of carrots and beets. The salad is seasoned at bedtime with only lemon juice.

Late dinner will not affect your figure if you eat boiled chicken, turkey or boiled fish, as well as cooked seafood combined with lettuce.

If you love oatmeal, they are the perfect late dinner. Pour boiling water over a handful of oatmeal, add a teaspoon of honey and consume warm.

Of the sweet things before going to bed, only honey is allowed, with which you can sweeten green tea or fresh milk.

Before going to bed you should not eat spicy food, as well as fatty and fried foods. Do not overdo the salt in the evening. To reduce your appetite, use the aroma of mint, vanilla and cinnamon, strawberries, apples and oranges.
