Tips For Storing Sugar

Tips For Storing Sugar
Tips For Storing Sugar

Sugar has been known to people for centuries. It is made from sugar cane, maple syrup, sugar beet. Sugar can be in the form of sugar crystals or in the form of large pieces.

Sugar is best stored in airtight containers. It is not recommended to store sugar outdoors - in a box, in an envelope in rooms with high humidity.

The sugar absorbs moisture and sticks together in large thick lumps. This is especially true for powdered sugar. Store sugar in a dry place, away from moisture.

Hard types of sugar, which are sold in hard pieces, are not afraid of moisture. They have almost no ability to absorb moisture.

Tips for storing sugar
Tips for storing sugar

Such pieces of sugar look like very hard crystals. When they get into a liquid, they dissolve. Therefore, do not store them near water or other liquids.

The high temperature is also not a good company for sugar - no matter what kind. Do not store sugar near products that have a strong or unpleasant odor.

Sugar absorbs not only water but also side odors. The best solution to avoid odors is to use airtight containers.

If you have used a jar to store a product with a strong odor, do not use it to store sugar. Buy a new jar or use one with a neutral smell.

Crystal sugar, as well as powdered sugar, should be shaken from time to time. This is necessary so as not to compress the sugar, which is compacted by its own weight.
