Only 1 Egg A Day Protects You From All Diseases

Only 1 Egg A Day Protects You From All Diseases
Only 1 Egg A Day Protects You From All Diseases

The eggs are one of the most unique gifts of nature. Although there is much controversy about the alleged harm they bring to the body, none of them has been proven. At the same time, the benefits of including just one egg in the daily menu are more than significant.

Vitamins and minerals - Egg yolk contains a natural multivitamin complex. Among the most important useful ingredients are large doses of vitamins A and D, which are often missing in our traditional diet and can not be synthesized.

Animal protein - Eggs are a natural source of animal protein, one of the cheapest and most affordable. Up to 98% of them are absorbed by the body, which allows optimal maintenance of muscle mass. In addition, egg white has been shown to reduce appetite by a third.

Cardiovascular Disease - It has already been shown that cholesterol does not increase after eating eggs. They even contain substances that help process fats and regulate blood pressure. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory effects. They contain phosphatides, which prevent clogging of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques.

Immune system - Eggs are full of vitamins and biologically active substances. All this makes them especially useful for the immune system. Hen eggs contain a rich set of essential amino acids that protect their consumers from infections. One egg a day is enough to provide sufficient amounts of lutein, which protects the eyes from age-related degeneration.


Healthy bones and teeth - Vitamin D, which is contained in the yolk, provides quality absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These elements protect against osteoporosis. Eating 1 egg daily provides healthy teeth and strong bones.

Mental activity - Eggs improve mental activity. They contain tyrosine, which is recommended for people who engage in mental and physical activity. They also contain tryptophan, which increases the production of serotonin - one of the main hormones of happiness.
