Recipe With Turmeric Protects Us From All Diseases

Recipe With Turmeric Protects Us From All Diseases
Recipe With Turmeric Protects Us From All Diseases

American doctor Carolyn Anderson claims that a recipe that contains only three ingredients can protect us from many diseases, including cancer. She believes that black pepper, turmeric and olive oil are extremely useful and more people need to learn about their benefits. The power of these three ingredients has been confirmed by numerous studies that have been done by experts around the world.

According to Anderson, to protect yourself from cancer, it is enough to make the following recipe and use it every day. Here is how to prepare this remedy:

- Mix in a suitable container ½ tsp. olive oil, a pinch of black pepper (best freshly ground) and ¼ tsp. turmeric and mix all ingredients well. You can add it to a salad or season with it any dish you have decided to prepare. The ingredients should not be subjected to heat treatment - add them after the dish is ready.

According to Dr. Anderson, in order to get the most out of the foods we eat, we need to be able to combine them properly. For example, turmeric is very poorly absorbed through the intestines if taken in capsule form or alone.


Anderson also claims that in combination with black pepper turmeric is absorbed by the body much better, but to be full effect, you need to add a few drops of olive oil.

Turmeric can be used to strengthen the immune system, the spice has an extremely beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Yellow spice may also be helpful in Alzheimer's disease - turmeric is said to eliminate plaque buildup in the brain. The spice can also whiten teeth, but only in combination with a pinch of salt and a little lemon juice.

Black pepper is known for its beneficial effects on metabolism. Scientists claim that the popular spice also has the property of a natural antioxidant.

Olive oil, in turn, protects against many diseases of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, helps with constipation, kidney problems and more.
