Each Glass Of Milk Increases The Risk Of Death By 15 Percent

Each Glass Of Milk Increases The Risk Of Death By 15 Percent
Each Glass Of Milk Increases The Risk Of Death By 15 Percent

Everyone knows how useful it is to drink milk. The calcium in it helps our bones to become healthy and strong. However, this belief may be completely wrong.

A group of Swedish scientists question the benefits of milk. They conducted a study, the results of which are more than disturbing. It turns out that people who drink large amounts of milk have much weaker bones than others, and their lives are many times shorter.

The study involved 100,000 people who drank milk. 45,000 of them were men and were observed for 11 years. The remaining 61,000 women were placed under observation for 20 years.

During the observation period, 10,000 men died, and a large number of them - 5,000, suffered from weak bones and often suffered fractures. On the other hand, over a period of 20 years, 15,500 women died and 17,000 had easily broken bones.

It is also interesting to note that in women who consumed the largest doses of milk - up to three glasses a day, fractures were almost twice as common.


According to the data obtained, scientists have calculated that each glass of milk increases the risk of death by 15% in women and 3% in men.

Milk really does contain beneficial ingredients such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which strengthen the bone system. However, these properties remain in the background due to the substance galactose. This harmful substance is found in the largest quantities in the milk. One cup contains about 5 g.

A number of experiments and tests have shown how galactose causes accelerated aging of the body and brain and leads to earlier death. The disease galactosemia develops in childhood brain damage, senile diseases such as cataracts and osteoporosis. Consumption of galactose-rich foods significantly increases the risk of ovarian cancer in women.

The good news is that galactose is found in high levels only in milk. In the rest dairy products, especially in yogurt, all the useful substances are preserved and the harmful ones are greatly reduced. In cottage cheese and cheese, these substances remain in the excess whey.
