

Hyacinth or hyacinth / Hyacinthu / is a genus of bulbous perennials of the family Liliaceae. It originates from the Mediterranean parts of Europe and Asia Minor, where it grows wild. It has been grown as a garden flower since the 15th century. The genus includes about 30 species and over 300 varieties. Its flowers consist of a racemose inflorescence with a specific, strong aroma. Hyacinth blooms from late March to May in various bright colors - white, yellow, pink, purple, red, blue. Hyacinth is one of the most beloved flowers in Bulgarian gardens. It is named after the beautiful teenager Hyacinth from Greek mythology.

The ordinary hyacinth / Hyacinthus orientalis / is a perennial bulbous plant of the cream family / Liliaceae /. Reaches a height of 20-30 cm in height. It has simple kitschy bell-shaped flowers that have a strong pleasant aroma. They are located in dense or loose clustered inflorescences and are differently colored - white, yellow, pink, red, blue and others. A well-developed hyacinth has at least 12 flowers on its flowering stem, which can reach up to 50.

The leaves of the plant are broad, succulent, shiny, slightly pointed at the top. The peoples of Western Europe brought the hyacinth from Western Asia more than three centuries ago and immediately began to improve it. Today there are many varieties that differ from the original with their large inflorescences and colors and delicate and diverse colors - blue, purple, white, pink, purple. Popular Bulgarian varieties are Vidin hyacinth and Karlovo hyacinth.

History of hyacinth

According to an ancient Greek legend, Hyacinth was the son of the Spartan king Amikel and Diomedes or the king of Sparta Oybal. According to another version, Hyacinth is the son of the Macedonian king Pyrrhus and the muse Clio. Hyacinth was extraordinarily beautiful, a lover of Apollo and Zephyr. When Apollo once taught Hyacinth to throw a discus, Zephyr, out of jealousy, aimed the disc thrown by Apollo at Hyacinth's head and killed him. From his blood Apollo made a hyacinth flower.

Content of hyacinth

When extracting the colors of hyacinth with petroleum ether is obtained from 0.13 to 0.22% concrete (in cultivated hyacinth) and from 0.19 to 0.23% (in wild hyacinth). The concrete is a hard wax-like mass with a green-brown to dark brown color. In a concentrated state, the odor is unpleasant, but when strongly diluted, it changes and resembles that of flowers. The concrete contains from 10 to 14% absolute, obtained by extraction with ethyl alcohol and from 1.8 to 3.0% volatile with steam aromatic substances. More than 60 components with predominance of aromatic alcohols and others have been identified in the obtained aromatic products.

Growing hyacinths

Hyacinth it is not a picky flower - it can grow both in sunny places and in partial shade. Hyacinths produce seeds, but are propagated vegetatively - by separating the small bulbs. In some varieties, however, propagation is quite slow, as many but small bulbs are formed.

Blue hyacinth
Blue hyacinth

Therefore, before planting, split the bottom of the old bulb crosswise. Planting should take place in the fall. It is good bulbs hyacinth to be removed every year after flowering and immediately planted in a new place, burying with about 12 cm of soil. A little well-burnt manure can be placed in the planting holes.

After flowering, the peduncle is cut high, and the leaves are best left to turn yellow and die naturally. In this way, the bulbs accumulate the most nutrients needed for the next flowering. It is not necessary to remove hyacinths from the soil every year, it is enough to divide and transplant every 3-4 years. If for some reason we have to take them out, for example to free the flower bed for other flowers, it happens in early summer. Store in a warm, ventilated place until planting.

In the garden, hyacinths are almost not sick, but can be attacked by naked snails that eat their leaves. Problems may occur during storage. In no case should damaged and injured bulbs be among the healthy ones. As soon as you notice the slightest signs of rot, you should discard the bulb.

Benefits of hyacinth

Although not very common as a medicine, the hyacinth has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic action. The herb normalizes hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle in women. In addition, the plant has a sedative effect. Hyacinth is widely used in cosmetics, dermatology and perfumery.

In folk medicine, hyacinth can be used as a remedy against spleen tumors, testicular tumors and ulcers.

Women have long used hyacinth for cosmetic purposes. Alcoholic extract with hyacinth petals smoothes and removes wrinkles, protects from harmful weathering. Dried hyacinth petals, placed in linen bags in the wardrobe, keep the fresh smell of clothes for longer.

Dried and crushed leaves of the herb can be used against cockroaches and mosquitoes.

Home cosmetics with hyacinth

The alcoholic extract of hyacinth successfully participates in the making of many homemade masks and ointments. The extract is prepared as follows: Four tablespoons of flowers are poured with 1/2 teaspoon of vodka and the mixture is left to stand for two weeks in a dark and cool place. Before use, the extract is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. It cleanses, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.

The same alcoholic extract can be used in the following moisturizing face mask: Grate a piece of cucumber. Take two tablespoons of mashed potatoes, add a teaspoon of honey and five drops of hyacinth extract. Apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

A rejuvenating bath can be prepared with the herb. To do this, mix 1/4 cup honey and 1 teaspoon of alcoholic hyacinth extract. The mixture is added to the water in the bath.
