Post-meal Rituals That Are Good For Your Health

Post-meal Rituals That Are Good For Your Health
Post-meal Rituals That Are Good For Your Health

For our body, food is like fuel. If we choose the right one, our whole body will function better. However, in addition to good food, its processing is also important for our body. This means that through the habits we have before, during and after eating we can help or hinder the work of our body. We all know how important it is to move, drink water, eat fruits and vegetables. But do we know what we need to do after a meal to be healthier? look healthy post-meal ritualsthat will help you digest more easily.

First of all, it is important for our body to give it enough time to process food. This does not mean that you have dinner every night at 7 pm at the latest. On the contrary. It is important that dinner is consistent with your overall lifestyle - it is logical that if you go to bed earlier, an early dinner may be right for you.

However, if you are a night bird or you drive night shifts, you cannot leave your body without fuel and expect it to be energetic and function properly. Try to follow this rule: let a hearty dinner be 4 hours before bedtime. 1-2 hours after it you can eat yogurt, vegetables or fruit, for example.

In this way, our main menu will already be mastered, and the listed foods are easy to digest and will not burden our body at night. Also remember that if you have heartburn problems, eating a lot just before bed can cause serious discomfort.

As for the fruits - no matter how useful they are, we must consume them at a certain time. This means either before a meal or about an hour and a half after consuming protein and fat. The reason - fruits are a carbohydrate and their digestion takes very little time in the body, while protein and fat are more difficult to digest. It is important to give your body time to feel the benefits of all the healthy foods we eat.

Gymnastics is a useful post-meal ritual
Gymnastics is a useful post-meal ritual

After eating it is good to move. This does not mean going to the gym after a hearty dinner or after a heavy lunch - such behavior will make your workout ineffective. Light exercise is recommended - it means a short walk in the park, for example. This will speed up your metabolism and make you feel better in the morning when you practice this after dinner.

Be careful with smoking after meals. It is harmful at any time of the day, but when you light a cigarette after a hearty menu, we can create serious problems, especially if you suffer from gastric reflux or a sensitive stomach.
