Do Not Throw Away The Shells Of Walnuts, But Prepare A Healing Decoction

Do Not Throw Away The Shells Of Walnuts, But Prepare A Healing Decoction
Do Not Throw Away The Shells Of Walnuts, But Prepare A Healing Decoction

Everyone knows that walnuts are useful. They help the proper functioning of the brain, maintain memory and the health of the body as a whole. Frequent consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and atherosclerosis. However, what few people know is that even walnut shells are useful and can be used to make various extremely useful medicinal decoctions. Here are some of them:

Decoction for cleansing blood vessels

It is known what clogged blood vessels lead to. To prevent this serious problem for your health and even for your life, grind the shells of fourteen walnuts. Pour half a liter of vodka over the resulting flour. Leave the mixture to stand for seven days. The decoction is taken every day for a week, one tablespoon ten minutes before meals.

Decoction against eczema and inflammation

Fill a saucepan halfway with walnut shells. Fill it with water and boil it. It is ready when the water acquires a dark color. Strain and dilute the resulting decoction with water in a ratio of one to ten. For example, put a spoonful of the liquid in a glass and add ten spoons of water. Once you are done, wash the problem area of your skin and apply a compress. Store the rest of the decoction in a concentrated form in a dark and cool place. Dilute before use.


Decoction for duodenal ulcer

For this decoction you will need that part of the walnut that serves as a separator between the individual nuts. Take the dividers of five walnuts and fill them with half a liter of warm water. Let them stand for an hour. Once the liquid has cooled, add half a liter of milk. The decoction is drunk three times a day - in the morning before meals, at noon and in the evening before bedtime.

Decoction against diabetes, indigestion and thyroid problems

Fill one-third of a liter glass bottle with nut separators. Fill the container with vodka and let it stand for twenty days. Then strain the liquid and pour it into a dark glass bottle. Drink one tablespoon before eating.

Decoction for cough

Crack the shells of four walnuts. Without removing the nuts, let them boil in a saucepan with half a liter of water. Add one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of black elderberry. Cook over low heat. When the liquid boils, remove from the heat and strain. Drink one tablespoon before meals for a week.
