Fourteen Misconceptions About Food That Hinder Us

Fourteen Misconceptions About Food That Hinder Us
Fourteen Misconceptions About Food That Hinder Us

Have you ever thought that not everything we read and learn about around us in its entirety is absolutely true. It is high time you realized that the generally accepted rules and explanations are not valid. This also applies in full force to the food we eat. Recently, scientists have debunked several "truths" about coffee, eggs, bread and how and when to eat properly.

Coffee dehydrates


The number one delusion planted by pseudo-specialists is that coffee dehydrates. Until now, millions of coffee lovers have more or less tried to limit the doses they take per day from their favorite liquid. The main reason was that coffee has a draining effect, which loses valuable body fluids. American experts from the nutrition center in Nebraska are adamant that coffee has no dueritic effect. On the contrary - it is useful because it increases the level of antioxidants by 4% for the next 2 hours. Of course, you can not swallow liters of coffee a day - limit your intake to a maximum of 2 cups.

Eat black bread

The dietary rule that black bread is more useful than white bread has also been refuted. The main thing is that ordinary black bread has the same glycemic index as white. Most of the dark pasta products on the market are just because they are colored. The solution is to choose pure rye bread or wholemeal, containing about 2.2 g of fiber per 1 slice.

Eggs raise cholesterol


One common misconception is that eggs raise cholesterol. This myth was debunked by US specialist Dr. Bruce Griffin, who put volunteers on a low-calorie diet with 2 eggs a day. The nutritionist reported after 12 weeks that the cholesterol level in none of them had increased, on the contrary - with weight loss and cholesterol fell. A huge plus of eggs is that they create a stable feeling of satiety.


Decaffeinated coffee works like normal

Until recently, we were instilled with the idea that decaffeinated coffee has the power to wake up and energize the body, even though it contains only 5 mg. caffeine. However, a new study indicates that this type of drink is able to relax the body rather than invigorate it. The results show that any beverage with a caffeine content of less than 10 mg rather makes us feel more tired.

Stop eating in the evening

This rule also remains in the past. Based on the statement that if you eat in the evening after 20:00 your body will not be able to burn calories because it is set to rest. Experience with monkeys has proven the rule that there is no difference in the weight of those who eat at night and those who emphasize calorie portions during the day. The problem only arises if you eat outside your usual menu or in other words eat chips, popcorn, sweets, etc.


Drink 2 liters of water a day

And this is not an absolute rule. No one denies that drinking enough water is important, but you don't have to pour liters of water just because some nutritionists have said that this is the only way to keep your skin firm and fresh. There is no scientific evidence that a lot of water brings such benefits to the body. Each person can determine the required dose of life-giving fluid, depending on lifestyle, diet, body weight, etc.

Eat low calorie foods

According to recent studies by experts, low-calorie and low-fat foods can even cause us greater harm. Often these products are full of sugar, synthetic vitamins and sweeteners and carbohydrate substitutes, and their intake does not provide the body with important fatty acids contained in healthy foods. Low-calorie products have low nutritional value and are a potential danger to the health of the body.
