Misconceptions About Diets

Misconceptions About Diets
Misconceptions About Diets

To get rid of extra pounds, many people resort to the most amazing diets. Some eat wheat germ early in the morning, others have two walnuts for lunch, and still others have a spoonful of honey for dinner.

Many of these tips are absolutely useless, and some are even harmful. The first place in the ranking of misconceptions falls on chocolate. Many people think that natural chocolate does not fill up.

Of course, a few pieces will not make you gain even one kilogram, but this can not be said if you eat one or two chocolates every day.

If you're smart, this may be your dessert, because natural chocolate contains antioxidants and magnesium, which have anti-stress properties. The important thing is to give up sugar.

Misconceptions about diets
Misconceptions about diets

It is believed that pressed muesli with honey and sugar is not harmful. This is true, but only as far as active athletes are concerned. These desserts contain proteins important for muscle formation. But they do not replace the usual lunch.

You can afford a small piece of dessert, it is important not to overdo it with sugar. One of the dietary misconceptions is that the caffeine contained in coffee burns calories.

This is not so. Small doses of coffee can really speed up metabolism, but in large doses, coffee washes calcium and magnesium out of the body.

Coffee dehydrates, so drink a glass of water with this drink. The claim that red wine at lunch or dinner helps fats to be digested more slowly is a complete myth.

There is also a widespread myth that in order to lose weight, one must drink as much water as possible. This is useful, but it will not save you from the surpluses you have accumulated.

There is a myth that bananas and grapes contain so much sugar that if you are on a diet, you should not eat them. However, they are rich in carotene and cellulose. They simply should not be overused in the diet.

Do not follow a fruit-only diet unless it lasts for a day. Fruit glucose and fructose help increase blood insulin levels. This causes a new bout of hunger and can lead to metabolic disorders.
