Proven Cough Remedies

Proven Cough Remedies
Proven Cough Remedies

In case you are tired of buying expensive cough syrups, the following lines are just for you. But apart from the fact that home cough remedies are much cheaper, they are completely natural and do not cause any side effects on your health. Here are our suggestions for now tested natural cough remedies.

Fresh milk with honey

This is probably the easiest to prepare cough medicine, which in no way makes it less effective. However, to get the most out of the benefits of honey, do not add it to too hot milk, but wait for it to cool down a bit.

Herbs for cough

Means to combat cough
Means to combat cough

We will not teach you how to prepare herbal decoctions, but the best herbs acting for cough, are: thyme, chamomile, indrishe, bay leaf, rose root, eucalyptus and apiary. To them we add the ginger, from which, however, it is better to prepare a decoction while it is fresh, not dried. Just grate the root, boil it in a little water, strain and drink the medicinal decoction.

Decoction of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels must be dried and ready to eat. Grind them to a powder and about 1 tsp. fresh milk or tea add 1 tsp. from them. Take the liquid 3 times a day and you will quickly feel relief from cough.

Decoction of onion

For this one cough recipe you only need 2 onions, sugar and water. As sugar is not a small amount, it is not advisable to prepare onion decoction if you have problems with blood sugar. And to complete the recipe itself, you need to peel and slice 2 onions, which you let turn in 750 ml of water until the liquid is halved. Remove the onion and add to the decoction 1 tsp. sugar. When it dissolves, divide the liquid into 3 parts to consume in 3 doses during the day. It is not desirable to eat 1 hour after taking the onion decoction.

Black radish for cough
Black radish for cough

Black radish

It is unknown why this recipe is slightly forgotten by today's generation and it is completely undeserved. Black radish juice is very effective for coughing. All you need to do is get the black radish, make a horizontal incision about 3 cm from its end and dig a well in it. Pour into it 1 tsp. honey and wait 1-2 hours until you see that the well is filled with radish juice. Drink from this decoction 1 tsp. several times a day, and when you see that the well dries up, refill it with honey.
