With Brazil Nuts Lose Weight

With Brazil Nuts Lose Weight
With Brazil Nuts Lose Weight

The high content of selenium in Brazil nuts makes it extremely good for health. Selenium is an important antioxidant mineral that can protect the body from the harmful effects and damage of free radicals, the culprits of old age.

Brazil nuts, like other nuts, are high in protein and fiber, which help control hunger and thus help reduce unwanted weight.

It is also rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Brazil nut maintains lower cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

However, care should be taken with the use of Brazil nuts, as high levels of selenium in the body can lead to fatigue, irritability and upset stomach.


The recommended dose of selenium is 75 micrograms for men and 55 micrograms for women. You will get such a quantity from a handful of Brazil nuts.

The homeland of these nuts is Brazil. The tree is wild, reaching 50 meters in height. The fruits of this tree are quite heavy, resembling a capsule weighing up to 2 kg, in which are arranged as a fan 20 triangular brown seeds. They are covered with a strong shell with a thickness of about 8-12 mm.

The taste of Brazil nuts resembles cedar nuts. Brazil nut oil is considered the best oil for lubricating watches.

They help lower cholesterol levels and normalize blood sugar, help children grow and nerves to cope with stress.
