Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts

Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts
Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts

The forests of the Amazon are home to some unique plant species, such as the Brazil nut. Brazilian trees inhabit the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and the interesting fact is that in fact it is not Brazil that is the largest producer of delicious nuts, but Bolivia.

Apart from being one of the longest-lived trees (estimated at 500 to 700 years), they are also one of the tallest, reaching 50 meters. Each tree produces about 300 pods a year, each weighing nearly 2.5 kg. and contains about 20 nuts.

Brazil nut is used to make various dishes, raw or cooked, it is eaten like all other nuts. They are extremely high in calories, but also contain many important minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

They contain a lot of selenium, which prevents cell damage, as well as magnesium and thiamine. And the flavonoids contained in it fight against the development of malignant diseases.

As we have said, this nut is quite high in calories, with 100 grams of it equal to 687 kcal, and the fat content is 68 - 69 per 100. However, these fats are good for the cardiovascular system, they do not accumulate and are not harmful, namely they help reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol. Nevertheless, the advice of experts is not to overdo it with eating Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts

The content of selenium is quite high, approximately 544 mg, and it is believed that this ingredient supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the occurrence of various diseases.

There are studies from the areas where this Brazil nut is grown, which states that the population there rarely suffers from heart disease. Selenium also prevents the development of breast, prostate and other cancers.

It also supports the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and supports the immune system. But for children's health, the recommended daily dose is 45 mg, and for adults 400 mg. In other words, 3-4 nuts a day are enough for an adult.

For this reason, you should not overdo it and eat such nuts constantly, and overdose causes brittle and white nails, hair loss, rash, irritability, stomach pain and more.

These walnuts also contain a very important amino acid called methionine. It is found only in Brazil nuts and plays a significant role in the fight against various chronic diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, prevents premature aging and others.

Brazil nut is very tasty and useful, so it is good from time to time to enjoy its taste, but in any case not to overdo it. It is quite high in calories and rich in selenium, which, however, in high doses becomes toxic.
