A New Increase In Food Prices Awaits Us

A New Increase In Food Prices Awaits Us
A New Increase In Food Prices Awaits Us

In two or three months, a new wave of increase in the price of basic food products by approximately 15% is expected. Such are the alarming forecasts of economists. At the same time, however, wages are not expected to grow as fast as the value of food.

The reason for the next increase are the forecasts for a jump in the price of oil on world markets.

At the same time, many manufacturers are urging that the products they produce become more expensive many times over until they reach the end user. It turns out that the average price increase is about 20 to 30 percent.

More recently, consumers have again reported another increase in basic food products. The recent example is the monetary value of sugar. According to the data of the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets for the period from February 28 to March 4, the tendency of rising sugar prices is preserved, as the average increase for the week compared to the previous one is about 4%.


The price increase is due to the poor harvest in the main sugar-producing countries - Brazil, Cuba, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia.

As a result of natural disasters, the cane from which raw sugar is made has decreased and its price on the international market is rising. Bulgaria is also a direct victim of these processes, the industry explains.

More expensive food prices is not an isolated case at the local level. UN experts recently announced that world food prices have reached a new record. It is even possible that the value of the products will increase even more soon. The reason is again the rise in oil prices.
