A New Variety Of Bulgarian Tomato Is Sold On The Market

A New Variety Of Bulgarian Tomato Is Sold On The Market
A New Variety Of Bulgarian Tomato Is Sold On The Market

The Maritsa-Plovdiv Institute of Vegetable Crops has created a new variety of Bulgarian tomato, which is called Pink Heart. Seeds of it are already sold on the market.

The Pink Heart variety was created through repeated selection by the local population of tomatoes, called Maiden's Heart, explains Dr. Daniela Ganeva from the research team.

The new variety has successfully passed all PXC tests (Difference, Homogeneity and Stability) at IACAC (Executive Agency for Copy Testing, Application and Seed Control).

After 2 years of inspections, Rose Heart was approved for a variety by an expert commission at the same agency for a new variety. The variety is protected by Certificate №11076 dated 30.10.2015, issued by the Patent Office.


The new type of tomato can be successfully grown both in greenhouses and outdoors - under field conditions for early production. The period from germination to ripening lasts between 105 and 108 days.

The plant is tall and the stem is medium thick with long internodes. The leaves are light and bipinnate.

Unripe tomatoes have a green ring, which disappears with the botanical maturity of the vegetable. The ripe tomato is pink and heart-shaped, and weighs between 300 and 500 grams.

The Pink Heart variety contains organic acids, which give it a pleasant sweet-sour taste. Its aroma is typical of a tomato and its texture is delicate.

Under field conditions, the yield of Pink Heart can reach up to 6,500 kilograms per decare, and in greenhouses - up to 9,000 kilograms per decare, experts say.

The variety does not require special soil, as long as it is warm, moist and fertile. Regular watering and fertilizing is required to obtain a quality and strong harvest.
