Fast During The Day To Live Longer

Fast During The Day To Live Longer
Fast During The Day To Live Longer

If you eat during the day, you are more likely to live to old age and even in the last years of your life to enjoy enviable health. Nearly 80 years of research have found this.

The tests were performed on dogs and worms that were left without food during the day. The life of each of them has increased by 30 to 70 percent.

A low-calorie diet works to maintain health, says Mark Hellerstein of the University of Berkeley. However, few people trust science and believe that they will not live longer, even if they deprive themselves of their favorite foods.

Reducing calorie intake prolongs life because it slows down cell division. Cells do not receive the energy they need to grow, and this acts as a prevention for tumors.


Dr. Hellerstein has also conducted experiments with mice, claiming that the rate of cell division in rodents has dropped by as much as 37%.

The mice also ate intermittently - one day they ate to satiety, and the next day they remained hungry. This should be the diet of most people, the expert said.

It is better to starve during the day than to carefully monitor the amount of calories consumed each day. With today's abundance of food, the task can be quite difficult, but it is by no means impossible.
