Eat Cheddar - Live Longer

Eat Cheddar - Live Longer
Eat Cheddar - Live Longer

Various recent studies and experiments prove that regular consumption of cheddar can protect us from developing cancer cells, as well as improve the condition of our liver. A study by Texas A&M University reports that stale cheeses such as Brie, Gouda and Cheddar have the potential to improve our ability to live longer by up to 25 percent. This is due to the fact that they contain a component called spermidine, which favors various processes in the human body.

Almost always, this type of cheese has been stigmatized as harmful due to the large amount of saturated fat, but here the point of view is completely changed to their positive effects on us - from strengthening the immune system to protecting teeth, and more surprising and unexpected benefits. from the siren.

Strengthening the immune system

In 2010, scientists at the University of Finland managed to prove that 1 piece a day of this type of cheese strengthens the immunity of the elderly. The experiment involved people between the ages of 72 and 103, and for 4 weeks they ate a piece of Gouda with their breakfast. Their immune system tests after this 1 month were astonishingly better.

The secret to a longer life?

Cheddar cheese
Cheddar cheese

Could sirens have anything to do with our lifespan?

Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark are investigating the fact that the French usually live longer than other European nations despite excessive consumption of saturated fats in their daily diet. It turns out that the French are much less likely to suffer from heart problems and their life expectancy is about 82 years, given that they consume about 23.9 kg of cheese per year, while the British, for example, live to about 81 years and eat no more than 11.6 kg per year.

Cheese for healthier teeth

Mature cheeses
Mature cheeses

Not only regular brushing of teeth, but also regular consumption of cheese can guarantee you less frequent visits to the dentist. In 2013, a study conducted by the American Academy of Dentists proved that on the one hand, cheese makes the oral cavity a more alkaline environment, but also creates a protective layer of teeth.

The study was conducted among 68 children in three age groups. One group had to consume a certain amount of cheese every day; the second - yogurt; the third - a glass of milk. Measurements of pH levels before and after the experiment showed a drastic increase in those who ate cheese, and no change in the other two groups. The truth is that the higher the pH levels in the mouth above 5.5, the lower the chance of caries.

Cheese in the fight against weight

Cheddar cheese
Cheddar cheese

In 2009, Australian scientists conducted an experiment involving 40 volunteers who were not happy with their weight. They are on a low-calorie diet, but a large selection of dairy products - cheese, yogurt, low-fat milk.

In the end, the research reported an improvement in the metabolism, blood pressure and heart rate of those who included small amounts of dairy products, but at least 3 times a day.

Intelligence and cheese

Wondering how these two things could be related? In tests conducted by 900 men and women in 2012, it turned out that better developed visual, verbal and mental abilities show consumers of milk and dairy products to vegans.

After all the reasons listed above, it's probably time to eat a fresh salad, well sprinkled with cheese.
