Diet For Ulcers

Diet For Ulcers
Diet For Ulcers

The ulcer can affect both the stomach and the duodenum. The form can be acute or chronic. The main part of her treatment is the right diet.

An ulcer is a disease that occurs as a result of another disease. It can also be the result of the simultaneous action of several factors, and hereditary predisposition is essential. Risk factors include factors such as smoking and unhealthy eating.

In general, the ulcer is chronic and lasts for years. Its complete cure occurs only with strict adherence to a proper lifestyle and diet.

Here are the basic principles of the diet that applies to peptic ulcer disease:


Rough fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, radishes, peppers, cabbage, turnips, carrots, hard apples and pears, quinces, etc. should not be eaten raw. For this purpose they are boiled, baked and mashed. When the period of seizures has passed, they can be taken grated.

Meals and foods that are consumed should not irritate the gastric secretion, as it can aggravate the complaints. This means that they should not excite her with their physical qualities (hardness, temperature), nor act chemically (acidic, salty, spicy).


On the lining of the stomach and duodenum decoctions of some cereals - rice, wheat, oats, which are used for the so-called. slimy soups, desserts, etc., work extremely well. Rich in cellulose flakes veins and seeds of fruits and vegetables, from tomatoes, peaches and pears, it is good to peel and even mash before consumption.

Fresh cabbage juice is rich in antiulcer substance and is highly recommended by doctors. Pureed foods, cooked and roasted vegetables and fruits have a beneficial effect.

The recovery processes in the affected area are supported by dairy products, eggs, meat and fish in sufficient quantities.


The recommendation for ulcers is to follow a regular diet - breakfast, brunch, lunch, breakfast and dinner. The diet that will be applied must be consistent with the phase of the disease. During crises, for example, mostly liquid foods are offered.

As they improve, biscuits, minced meat, bread, vegetable and fruit purees are gradually added to them. After recovery, the diet is diversified, but in the range of permitted foods. And they are:

White bread (maybe wholemeal, but not rye), rusks, biscuits, mashed vegetables (carrots, potatoes, sweet peppers), tomato paste, well-ripened tomatoes without seeds and flakes, fruit juices from strawberries, cherries, sweet apples, apricots, sweet water pears, oranges, lemons and others, oatmeal, milk and cream soups, cream, cottage cheese, fresh cheese, yellow cheese, butter, olive oil, sesame oil, soft-boiled eggs, boiled beef, boiled or grilled tender pork and beef, chicken, white poultry, white river or sea fish, slightly sweetened compotes, starchy desserts, milk and vanilla cream, some spices - parsley, dill, cumin, savory, honey.

During the course of the disease are completely prohibited: fried foods, spicy sauces, raw and hard fruits, jams and confectionery, raw vegetables, legumes (beans, peas, beans), salted canned vegetables, pickles, canned salty foods, onions, garlic, mushrooms, rye bread, alcohol, strong black tea, coffee, chocolate, carbonated and sour mineral waters, corn, some spices - black pepper, hot red pepper, mustard and others.
