Potato Juice For Ulcers And Gastritis

Potato Juice For Ulcers And Gastritis
Potato Juice For Ulcers And Gastritis

Spring has come, and it is during this period that the problems with ulcers and gastritis worsen and the body needs care to deal with them. Pain and increased stomach acid (sometimes even worse - bleeding) can make your life completely bitter, so take action in time.

The intake of freshly squeezed juices from potatoes, carrots or red beets is a great way to help strengthen the gastric mucosa and in any case their beneficial effects should not be underestimated and neglected.

The juice of freshly squeezed potatoes is very popular in folk medicine precisely because of its ability to cure these stomach diseases. How can you prepare such an "elixir of health"?

You need healthy and fresh potatoes, which should be well washed with a stiff brush. Use soap and water, trying to clean them of any soil residue adhering to their surface.

Then, without peeling them, pass the potatoes through a juicer to separate the juice from their flesh. Freshly squeezed potato juice should be taken three times a day, one hour before each meal.

Initially, start with about 60 ml of juice / for each meal /, gradually increasing the amount. At the end of treatment it can reach 150-200 ml.

If you suffer from gastritis, the treatment should last up to 6 weeks, but in case you suffer from an ulcer, then it should be extended to 8 weeks. Of course, during this time you must follow a proper diet.

Fresh potato juice is not very tasty, but it has an extremely fast effect on stomach health problems and very soon after starting treatment you will see for yourself. So, it's worth a try, so don't procrastinate, start today!
