Cabbage Protects Against Ulcers

Cabbage Protects Against Ulcers
Cabbage Protects Against Ulcers

Cabbage has a strong preventive effect against ulcers. The reason for this is the high content of vitamin U (one of the rarest and least studied vitamins) in crunchy vegetables. The basic value of cabbage as a food for humans is determined by the vital biocatalysts, the essential amino acids contained in vegetables. In addition to being rich in vitamin U, cabbage also contains significant amounts of vitamin C (128-700 mg / kg fresh weight), vitamin PP (2, 1 -11), vitamin B1, B2 and carotene.

The amount of vitamin C is higher in Brussels sprouts (800-1800 mg / kg) and cauliflower (about 470 mg / kg). Cabbage also contains significant amounts of minerals. First in the ranking is calcium, followed by potassium and phosphorus. Cabbage also contains sulfur, which is responsible for the specific aroma during its heat treatment.


Freshly squeezed cabbage juice is recommended for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, cholecystitis, spastic and ulcerative colitis. Sauerkraut juice is a valuable vitamin and tonic. It improves appetite and digestion. It is especially useful in liver diseases, chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

According to folk medicine, a porridge of cabbage leaves mixed with egg white helps with purulent wounds, ulcers, burns and more. Rinse the oral cavity and throat with fresh cabbage juice diluted with warm water for inflammation. Red cabbage juice is considered to be especially effective in lung disease. One teaspoon of red cabbage juice several times a day also helps with cough and voice loss.

An interesting detail is that the first Europeans to start growing cabbage were the Mediterranean. And for the Egyptians, cabbage was a sacred food. This culture has over 100 varieties.
