Eating For Ulcers

Eating For Ulcers
Eating For Ulcers

An ulcer is something like a sore on the stomach or duodenum. It can be caused by unhealthy eating, which is expressed in irregular, consumption of very spicy or spicy foods, stress. To feel good without pain, you should not eat foods that can irritate this sore.

Another cause of ulcers is Helicobacter pylori - a bacterium that settles in the stomach and eats away at its lining. This type of ulcer is treated with antibiotics, but in order to be successful in its treatment, a diet must be followed.

Foods and beverages that should be avoided and even, if possible, should not be used so as not to irritate the lining of the stomach are:

- dairy products - yellow cheese and melted and smoked cheese, salted cheeses and cottage cheese

- hot spices, black pepper

- bay leaf, allspice, paprika and horseradish

- fatty meat, sazdarma, pastrami, sausage, bacon

- hard - boiled eggs, mayonnaise and all other eggs other than hens

- beans, lentils, cabbage, beans, mushrooms

- onions, garlic, turnips, pickles

- grapes, cherries, plums, watermelons, blackcurrants, apricots, dried fruits, lemons, oranges; grapefruits

- peanuts, almonds, walnuts

- coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, cold drinks

- pastries containing white sugar; jams; sweet; cakes; paste; chocolate products

Foods that are allowed and that will not cause any stomach discomfort are:

- peeled tomatoes; roasted pepper; okra - very useful because of the mucous substances it contains; salads; lettuce; potatoes; zucchini; carrots - carrot juice is very useful and healing for such problems

- pumpkin, bananas, strawberries, apples; compotes; fruit puree

- rice: chicken with rice, spinach with rice, milk with rice

- dairy products (fresh and yoghurt, fresh cheese, unsalted cottage cheese, sweet cream)

- lean meat, fish, ham

- eggs - soft-boiled, veiled, omelets in the oven - here to note is the restriction of the yolk

- bread, rusk, Easter cake

- Pasta (baked pasta), salads, noodles, noodles, soy products, oatmeal, semolina, starch, plain biscuits

- oil, butter, olive oil

- parsley, salt, savory, dill

- chamomile tea, red or yellow St. John's wort, lime blossom

Sour things are not recommended such as sauerkraut, pickles, vinegar. Also forget about fried foods, fatty foods, butter dough, and cucumbers.

All these foods are irritations to the stomach lining.

Eat slowly and chew your food very well.
