A Combination Of Three Fruits Restores Our Strength For 1 Night

A Combination Of Three Fruits Restores Our Strength For 1 Night
A Combination Of Three Fruits Restores Our Strength For 1 Night

The secret to the vitamin bomb, made up of only three fruits, comes from antiquity. It is passed down from generation to generation and serves to restore strength in just one night. Today, it is widely used by athletes and people with strenuous physical work.

The secret to a quick recovery lies in the three fruits. They actively relieve tension and back pain after intense exercise.

The mystical ingredients are dried apricots, figs and prunes. The course of admission should last at least a month and a half to give optimal results.

The secret of the vitamin bomb lies in the composition of dried fruits. They all contain active substances that help restore the soft tissues of the intervertebral discs.

Regular intake improves the stability and flexibility of the spine. All this happens naturally, without painful manipulations and medications.

Another important point is the fact that the individual qualities of the three fruits do not have the same healing power that they have together. The desired health effect is determined only after their proper proportional distribution.

And it is this: a large fig, five apricots and a prune. Eat this healthy combination every night and you will feel how your strength and energy are again. And in addition to supporting the body physically, this fruit combination also has a beneficial effect on male sexual potency and female libido.

Mix Dried Fruits
Mix Dried Fruits

The strength of each of these fruits is different. For example, prunes are extremely good for the kidneys and liver.

It has a high content of vitamin K, which favors the strengthening of blood vessels, normalizes the work of the heart muscle, has a positive effect on the nervous system. Dried fruit is used to treat rheumatism and atherosclerosis.

The fig is the most ancient cultivated plant. Its consumption has a proven effect in the treatment of senile diseases. In ancient times it was considered the fruit of longevity.

The third component - dried apricots, contains many valuable vitamins - K, P, Fe, Ca, vitamin B5 and carotene. It is an indispensable normalizer of the cardiovascular system.
