Fast Food Restaurants Are Planning Mass Protests

Fast Food Restaurants Are Planning Mass Protests
Fast Food Restaurants Are Planning Mass Protests

Fast food officials are preparing mass protests in 33 countries on May 15th. Workers are pushing for higher wages and better working conditions.

Open demonstrations will be held in more than 150 American cities, and employees of the chains in Japan, Brazil, Morocco and Italy will join these protests.

US officials are demanding that their pay be raised to $ 15 an hour, as it is currently twice as low at $ 7.25 an hour.

Workers from the McDonald's, Burger King KFC and Wendys chains have agreed on a protest movement that will cover 6 continents.

Fast food
Fast food

About 200 fast food employees first began protests in New York in 2012, after which the strike spread to more than a hundred American cities.

The fast food workers' protest is now being organized by the International Union of Food, Agriculture, Hospitality, Restaurants, Catering, Tobacco and Related Industries (UITA), bringing together 396 unions in 126 countries and a total of 12 million. employees.

The protests were fueled by a widening income gap between minimum wage workers and wealthier representatives in the United States.

The request is supported by the International Union of Service Employees, which has over 2 million members worldwide.

McDonald's recently announced that their fast food chains in Russia have been hit hard by the crisis in Ukraine. Russia is one of the seven most important markets for the global chain after the United States and Canada.


Half of the food offered at Russian McDonald's eateries is imported.

Another large company, Coca-Cola, decided to exclude an ingredient from its drinks that was of great concern to consumers.

The company's spokesman Josh Gold announced that vegetable oil, which is used as a taste stabilizer for drinks, will be excluded from Coca-Cola products.

The measure was taken after a petition by several thousand people.
