Proximity To Fast Food Restaurants Is A Factor In Obesity In Students

Proximity To Fast Food Restaurants Is A Factor In Obesity In Students
Proximity To Fast Food Restaurants Is A Factor In Obesity In Students

Students whose schools are very close to fast food restaurants are more likely to be obese than students whose schools are a quarter of a mile or more away, according to a study of millions of students by economists at the University of California and Columbia University.

The study aims to determine whether geographical proximity to fast food restaurants may be relevant and cause obesity.

The sample was large, spanning almost ten years and includes such detailed geographic information that researchers were able to observe obesity levels among students at the same school before and after opening a fast food restaurant nearby.

After adjusting for a wide range of variables, including income, education and race, researchers found that obesity levels were 5% higher among students whose schools had pizzerias, burgers or other establishments nearby. fast food, compared to students attending schools far from such establishments.

"We are fully convinced that these are reliable and objective assessments of the effect of fast food on the obesity of the group we are focusing on," said Enrico Moretti, a professor of economics at the University of California and one of the study's co-authors.

He also said that it was not clear from the results why only students in such close proximity to fast food restaurants were affected.

"This may be due to the fact that students don't like to go too far. Maybe they don't have enough time for lunch or it's just the effect of the temptation they have right in front of their eyes."

Proximity to fast food restaurants is a factor in obesity in students
Proximity to fast food restaurants is a factor in obesity in students

Another part of the study analyzed data on millions of pregnant women in New Jersey, Michigan and Texas over 15 years. After adjusting a number of variables, the researchers found that women who lived within half a mile of a fast food restaurant were at increased risk of gaining more than 20 pounds during pregnancy compared to those living further away.

As many women have another child, economists have been able to document weight gain during the next pregnancy after a new facility opened nearby.

Kelly Brownell, director of the Center for Eating Behavior and Obesity at Yale University, says the study provides evidence that the so-called fast food restaurants contribute to the problem of obesity, especially in children.

"The planning of laws banning fast food restaurants near schools is most likely a step towards protecting children's health," Mr Braunel said.
