7 Available Products To Boost Immunity During The Cold Season

7 Available Products To Boost Immunity During The Cold Season
7 Available Products To Boost Immunity During The Cold Season

Everyone appreciates the benefits of good health. And we all strive to take care of our immunity in one way or another. Many people resort to complex diets, expensive supplements and foods and a strict lifestyle. And could things be simpler and cheaper?

Research for the influence of food on the immune system of man are still in demand, but nevertheless the benefits of some very simple and affordable products that affect the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to disease.

We can use them daily in our menu without any problems, even in the winter months, when fresh fruits and vegetables are quite limited. And so eating, yes improve your body's resistance to disease.

Green tea

A cup of green tea every morning not only gives energy, but also increases the production of gamma-interferon - a substance that fights infections.


garlic for high immunity
garlic for high immunity

Thiosulfates in garlic are rich in sulfur, recognized as effective against diseases, infections and parasites.


In the cold season, foods rich in carotene are especially useful. In addition to carrots, important sources of beta-carotene are fish oil, milk, eggs, pumpkin, broccoli, tomatoes, melons, mangoes, apricots.


Spinach has everything to support the immune system: vitamins A, C, folic acid, magnesium, iron, beta-carotene, lutein. Not surprisingly, spinach stimulates the immune system and helps the body cope with serious diseases.


mushrooms for good health
mushrooms for good health

Mushrooms are an important source of beta-glucan, selenium and vitamins B2 and D, substances that are important for maintaining the immune system.


A glass of yogurt is as effective for the immune system as probiotic tablets. Of course, we are talking about natural milks, without sugar and additives.


Oats not only strengthens the immune system, but also lowers cholesterol, increases the body's resistance to bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.

However, doctors remind: the immune system depends not only on diet, but also on lifestyle, stress, exercise, health, the presence of chronic diseases and age.

Nutrition is only one of the factors, but with a varied and not so pretentious menu, it turns out that we can maintain our health throughout the year.
