Fatty Foods Protect Against Osteoporosis

Fatty Foods Protect Against Osteoporosis
Fatty Foods Protect Against Osteoporosis

Fatty foods are not always harmful. When you are in the mountains and it is very cold, consuming a piece of butter will affect you very well.

The basis of the diet of many northern peoples is oily fish. They very rarely suffer from atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. According to experts, this is due to the benefits of fish oil.

Fat is needed for the renewal of the body's cells. There are especially many compounds in this regard in the nervous tissues and in the brain.

For this reason, poor nutrition in early childhood causes irreparable damage to the intellect. In case of insufficient fat consumption in students and possible impairment of concentration and reduced success.

If a woman's body lacks enough fat, her cycle may disappear and it will not be possible to conceive. Only fat absorbs fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, K.

Vitamins and fats are necessary for beautiful hair and for healthy, beautiful and smooth skin. Some fatty acids are absolutely essential. We must get them from food, because the human body is not able to make them itself.

Such essential fatty acids are found in fish, fish oil, flaxseed oil and some plant products such as olive oil and seafood.


Fat is also important for the proper formation of the body. In too thin women, relaxation of the kidneys is possible. Our internal fats like a pillow support the organs and absorb shocks.

Weak women often suffer from osteoporosis and fractures. Therefore, in case of insufficient body weight, food that contains easily digestible milk and vegetable fats should be consumed every day.

It is very important what is the fatty food we eat. If we stuff ourselves with biscuits and refined vegetable oils, there will be no great benefit for our health.

The best fats are those that have not been processed. These are the vegetable fats that are contained in the seeds, oily fish, natural cream.

Avoid trans fats - they are found in pasta and candy fillings, as well as in chips, fries, crackers and some types of spaghetti for express cooking.

When making a salad, season it with a mixture of oil, olive oil and corn oil. The most useful fats are unrefined, cold pressed. If you don't like the taste of them, get some fat from olives, avocados and nuts.
