Bananas, Potatoes And Tomatoes Against Osteoporosis

Bananas, Potatoes And Tomatoes Against Osteoporosis
Bananas, Potatoes And Tomatoes Against Osteoporosis

Reducing bone resorption will prevent bone loss and breakage, and emphasis should be placed on products that contain enough potassium salts. The study is by British scientists and was published in the Independent newspaper.

Potassium salts will also reduce the amount of acid and calcium that is excreted in the urine, experts say.

In other words, potassium salts help to neutralize excess acid and preserve bone minerals. This is explained by Dr. Helen Lambert - author and leader of the study.

People in Western countries consume too much protein and thus increase the risk of bone loss, according to British scientists. Experts give some valuable guidelines on how to counteract this effect.

Potassium salts are found in some fruits and vegetables - the highest percentage is in tomatoes, potatoes and bananas, so it is best to increase their consumption.

Potatoes and Tomatoes
Potatoes and Tomatoes

In a disease such as osteoporosis, there is reduced bone strength - the reason is low levels of calcium, phosphorus and others.

According to many experts, it is never too late to start taking measures against the disease. To reduce the risk of weak and brittle bones, it is necessary to maintain the skeletal system.

According to data, women are more likely than men to suffer from the disease. Bone problems in women usually appear after menopause. Low testosterone levels can also be considered a risk factor in men.

The risk of developing the disease increases with age. Osteoporosis is equally common in men and women after a certain age (after 75 years).

Lack of exercise, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, smoking are defined as risk factors for the disease.

To the risk factors are added the unbalanced diet, which includes insufficient intake of vitamin D, calcium and others.
