It Is Not The Calories That Are Important, But The Quality Of The Food When Losing Weight

It Is Not The Calories That Are Important, But The Quality Of The Food When Losing Weight
It Is Not The Calories That Are Important, But The Quality Of The Food When Losing Weight

Weight loss and diet are not just about calories, as evidenced by the fact that obesity is becoming more common, while overall calorie intake decreases slightly and the percentage of calories gained from fat is constantly falling.

At the same time, however, we eat more calories from foods containing sugar, consume more stimulants such as coffee, are under more stress, which affects blood sugar, and move less.

In addition to the amount (calories) in the food, its quality is also important (because even foods with the same calorie content have different effects on weight loss). For example, essential fatty acids (from fish and seeds), although they contain the same amount of calories as saturated fats (from meat and dairy products), are utilized by the brain, immune system, cardiovascular system and skin, leaving smaller amounts, to be stored in fat cells.

There is also some evidence that omega-3 fatty acids help to use fats as fuel and therefore burn them. Saturated fats, on the other hand, are only used for energy and their excess affects weight.

Omega 3
Omega 3

In addition, the phenomenon of blood sugar should be taken into account, which in my opinion is the key to the problems of most people with weight loss. Many overweight people experience sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels due to taking too much sugar, stimulants and exposure to stress.

When blood sugar is too high and more than the body can use for energy, the excess is converted into fat. Therefore, losing weight requires more than just limiting calories.
