It Is Not The Taste But The Price That Determines The Quality Of The Wine

It Is Not The Taste But The Price That Determines The Quality Of The Wine
It Is Not The Taste But The Price That Determines The Quality Of The Wine

Do you want to impress your guests with a bottle of aged wine, but you can't afford an expensive and sophisticated brand? Just buy cheap and tell them it's expensive. It is almost certain that they will believe you and even like it.

It may sound exaggerated, but a study at the renowned English sociology research journal Journal of Marketing shows that price prejudices can actually change the chemistry of the brain so that your guests can enjoy cheap wine in the same way they would appreciate it. more expensive bottle.

Fifty volunteers participated in the experiment. While their brains were scanned, the authors of the study had them taste five types of wine at different prices.

Participants were told before tasting the wine what its price was. Experts found that the brains of the volunteers evaluated the drink mostly by its value, rather than by its taste.

The study shows how strong the placebo marketing effect can be. In fact, our brains evaluate products according to the way they are marketed, says study author Hilke Palsmann, a professor of neurology at the University of Bonn in Germany. According to him, this is due to the low awareness of the physical senses and the high need for cognitive abilities.

Quality wine
Quality wine

The study puts a rod in the wheel of the tasting business. Numerous studies of the abilities of wine tasters show that experts are often hesitant in their assumptions about what wine will be liked.

They also often bet on the price. The more expensive a bottle of wine, the higher the rating, although cheaper wine may have the same or better qualities.

Renowned researcher and wine connoisseur Robert Hodgson also questions the tasters' abilities. According to him, the professional judges responsible for awarding prizes in wine competitions seemingly award points at random - they often give the same wines completely different results on different occasions.

So the next time you are tempted by a bottle of expensive wine in the supermarket, just buy cheap and change the label. It has already been proven that even professionals will not notice.
