Favorite Appetizer Betrays The Character

Favorite Appetizer Betrays The Character
Favorite Appetizer Betrays The Character

It is believed that a person can largely determine what character is only by his diet. The appetizers you serve at your party are a great way to reveal the essence of someone. Look at your friends and you will know that we are right.

Mushrooms with butter: You are not at the party just to eat as much food as possible. Exquisite taste suits you and you certainly strive to lead your life this way. You are pretentious and you want everything to go your way. You think that not everyone present is at your level and class.

Cheese bites: A classic partygoer who just needs any appetizer for his drink. You are a cheerful and smiling person and the lack of fine food cannot lower your mood.

Favorite appetizer betrays the character
Favorite appetizer betrays the character

Spring rolls: First of all, you are probably terribly hungry and you would prefer to be in a real restaurant, rather than locked in a cramped apartment with a huge noisy crowd around you. We can't blame you for not moving from the table with the hors d'oeuvres, but they can really satiate you, and it's likely that when you're done with them and you're no longer so hungry, you'll realize that the party isn't really bad at all.

Spinach dip: You are certainly an unusual person who attracts attention and manages to arouse the interest of his interlocutors. Keep up the good work. Few people have the courage to be different from the crowd, but they usually lead a much more interesting lifestyle and cannot and should not be tamed.

Favorite appetizer betrays the character
Favorite appetizer betrays the character

Vegetable Appetizers: You're probably on a regular diet and you're worried about both the way you look and the way you eat. Relax and have fun. It doesn't matter if others don't like your way of life - the most important thing is for you to have fun and forget about your prejudices.
