Ten Tricks That Will Make Your Potatoes Tastier

Ten Tricks That Will Make Your Potatoes Tastier
Ten Tricks That Will Make Your Potatoes Tastier

- To make the french fries delicious, white and slice. Then wash and dry well with a towel so as not to spray the oil when frying;

- The potatoes are salted as soon as we remove them from the fat. When frying potatoes, we can roll them in breadcrumbs or flour. We need to fry them in more oil and over medium heat. This way we will get breaded potatoes;

- Very tasty fries are obtained by frying them lightly and then draining them well from the fat. Place in a pan with a lid and after a few hours fry them and serve;

- The remaining fried potatoes from lunch can be heated in a water bath. They will become juicy and delicious;

- We will bake the potatoes quickly if we put them on the grill of the oven;

Baked potatoes
Baked potatoes

- When we bake potatoes, they will become tastier if we spread each one on the crust with bacon before baking;

- Boiled potatoes will be easier to cut for salad, if after cooking they are peeled and placed in the refrigerator for 5 minutes;

- Delicious potato salad is obtained when the sliced boiled potatoes sprinkle with salt, pepper and vinegar, add chopped onions and stir. Then leave to stand for two hours in the refrigerator and only then season with oil;

- For a lighter taste of potato salad mayonnaise can be mixed with the same amount of strained yogurt;

- We will stop the growth of bacteria if we season the potato salad with vinegar instead of lemon.
