Cooking Tricks Make The Dish Tastier

Cooking Tricks Make The Dish Tastier
Cooking Tricks Make The Dish Tastier

Cooking is much more enjoyable and easy if you follow some small rules. For example, in order not to darken the cauliflower and keep its beautiful white color, add a little sugar to the water at the time of boiling.

Add raw rice to the stuffing for cabbage sauerkraut - then the stuffing gets more juicy, but the duration of their heat treatment increases.

Old chickens and veal and pork tongue are boiled for over three hours, and breast and mutton - from two to three hours. Pork, duck, goose, turkey meat are cooked for one to two hours.

Large pieces of meat should be fried very quickly, on high heat and in a thick pan so that the meat can quickly turn red and seal so that the juice does not run out.

Once the meat is baked on both sides, place it in the oven, where it will be evenly baked until fully cooked. Frozen meat should not be thawed in water. Just wash it and put it in a closed container for three hours.

Beef and beef will cook faster if you first hammer it with a wooden hammer. If before frying the meat is lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar, during frying it will catch a beautiful golden crust.

Fried Liver
Fried Liver

If you coat the chicken with thick cream or mayonnaise before roasting, it will catch a nice crispy crust and the meat will become much more tender. It is good to know that from one kilogram of raw meat you get 600 grams of cooked and 650 grams of fried meat.

When baking meat in the oven, you can water it with the juice it separates or with hot water. If you water it with cold water, it will become too hard.

If you need to heat meat from yesterday, first spray it with cold water, then put it in a pan with oil and heat it. This will make it look like it has just been prepared.

When roasting meat and worrying that it may burn, place a small bowl of water in the oven. Thus, the steam that is released will protect the meat from drying out and burning.

The veal and pork tongue will become soft and tender if you put it in boiling water and cook it on low heat for three hours. Then immediately put it in cold water, remove the skin before it cools.

When frying meat with bones for soup, fry onions and coarsely chopped carrots. This will make the broth more fragrant and acquire an amber color.

Never fry meat in a pan that is not heated. Kidneys and liver are fried on a very high heat - this prevents excessive secretion of juice.
