Here's How To Grow Arugula In A Box On The Balcony

Here's How To Grow Arugula In A Box On The Balcony
Here's How To Grow Arugula In A Box On The Balcony

Little is known about the fact that arugula - Salad, which only a few decades ago was considered something completely exotic or even unknown, has been used since the time of the ancient Romans and, in addition to being very useful, was also famous as an aphrodisiac.

Around the 18th century, however, it was unknown why it was replaced by other salads and people began to forget about it. Today it is one of the most common vegetables in the Mediterranean and has proven anti-cancer properties. Besides, it's not complicated at all to grow arugula and you in your yard or even in a chest on the balcony.

Here's what you need to know about growing arugula:

- Arugula is planted from seed, and in our country the most common are the Dutch and German varieties. It is best to read on the instructions at what distance and at what depth to plant the seeds;

- If the seeds grow too dense next to each other, wait until the arugula is about 10 cm high and transplant it;

Growing arugula
Growing arugula

- As arugula grows in many Mediterranean countries as a wild plant, it does not need nourishment, but it is good to plant it in quality soil from the very beginning;

- It is best to sow the seeds in late March or early April in boxes or small pots with good drainage. When it grows old enough and no serious frosts are expected, you can plant it outdoors;

- The young leaves are the most delicious, so peel them while it's time. Larger leaves are also edible, but are coarser and slightly bitter. Furthermore arugula puts enough petals, so do not worry that they will run out quickly;


- It is good during the growing season of arugula, which is about 5-6 weeks, to feed it for a safer result;

- Water the arugula regularly, it loves water. However, it is not good to expose it to direct sunlight;

- Also keep in mind that arugula prefers cooler weather;

- If you are properly grown arugula you will be able to get several harvests from it. To do this, after picking its petals, prune it well to stimulate its new growth;
