How To Relieve Your Stomach After Overeating?

How To Relieve Your Stomach After Overeating?
How To Relieve Your Stomach After Overeating?

It has happened to all of us to lose self-control in front of a table full of delicious delicacies and to suffer the consequences of bloating and overeating. This is inevitable especially during the holidays when the tables are crowded with plentiful food.

In this case, the following tips will help you feel better. Next time overeating, do one thing these things, for to relieve the stomach.


Ginger tea

Ginger has been shown to be an effective natural remedy for vomiting and standard stomach pain. For quick results, just take a piece of ginger and chew it. If you can not stand the strong taste of ginger, you do not need to consume it raw, make yourself ginger tea.

Mint tea

How to relieve your stomach after overeating?
How to relieve your stomach after overeating?

Enjoy mint tea. Peppermint tea is a savior for stomach aches, bloating and spasms.

Chamomile tea

If you do not like mint tea, you can replace it with chamomile tea. The soothing effect of chamomile will relieve your stomach.


Do not go to bed immediately after a rich menu. Go for a nice walk. Exercise will help the body process the food consumed more easily and quickly.

Yoga for better digestion

How to relieve your stomach after overeating?
How to relieve your stomach after overeating?

It's very important after a hearty meal to resist the temptation to lie down. Do yoga poses that will help you feel better and speed up your digestion.


Water with lemon

How to relieve your stomach after overeating?
How to relieve your stomach after overeating?

Start the day with lemon water. In a glass of lukewarm water add the juice of one lemon. This mixture improves digestion and can help if you are bloated.

Don't miss breakfast

In the morning after overeating you probably think it's better to skip breakfast. But it is recommended to eat something light such as banana, yogurt, baked bread with a thin layer of peanut butter or honey, apple and more. Don't punish yourself with starvation, because if you miss breakfast, you are more likely to overeat later in the day.

Drink water

Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water to help the body cope with excess food intake.

Avoid salt

How to relieve your stomach after overeating?
How to relieve your stomach after overeating?

Salt stimulates the body to retain more water and you will feel even more bloated.

Eat white rice for lunch

White rice is easily absorbed by the body, soothes the stomach and is especially useful if you have diarrhea, which often occurs after overeating.
