2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Grandma's teeth / Tribulus terrestris / is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the family Chifolistnikovi. The herb is also known as Tribulus.
The plant has numerous thin and branched stems that are covered with hairs. They reach a length of 10 cm to 1 meter.
The leaves of grandmother's teeth are opposite, paired, with small lanceolate stipules. The flowers are small and with a short stalk, located in the axils of the leaves singly. They have a petal-shaped calyx and the petals are painted in a beautiful lemon-yellow color.
One week after flowering follows the appearance of fruit. The fruit of grandmother's teeth is oval, and after ripening it easily breaks down into 4-5 nuts, which are covered with sharp thorns.
Nuts are amazingly similar to goat heads, hence one of the names of the herb - cat heads. Grandma's teeth bloom and bear fruit in July-October. In our country, grandmother's teeth are found mainly in the regions of Southern Bulgaria and the Black Sea coast.
Composition of grandmother's teeth
Grandma's teeth contain fatty oil; harman type alkaloids; spirostans and steroid furaston saponins; flavonoids astralgin, tribuloside, kaempferol and rutin; sapogenin hyogenin, diosgenin and chlorogenin.
Collection and storage of grandmother's teeth

For medicinal purposes, the aboveground part of the plant is collected, which is cut off during flowering. Until the seeds are fully ripe, grandma's teeth are a slightly poisonous herb.
Picking it should be done with gloves and other protective equipment. A well-dried herb has a shelf life of up to three years.
Benefits of grandma's teeth
A number of experts recommend the use of tea from grandmother's teeth especially in the heat. It helps the body cope with the body's load in the heat and cools.
Grandma's teeth tones the body and helps it cope with conditions such as irritability, general fatigue, insomnia, drowsiness, lack of strength and apathy. Tea from grandmother's teeth normalizes high blood pressure.
Due to its good antibacterial and antifungal action, grandma's teeth are successfully used in the treatment of urinary problems. The herb shows a very good effect in serious infections, such as gonorrhea. Helps with psoriasis, kidney stones and urinary tract.
The beneficial effect of grandmother's teeth it doesn't stop there at all. In modern medicine, the herb is considered one of the best in terms of supporting men's sexual potency.
The main clinical action is to increase testosterone levels.

After a number of studies, scientists have found that the saponins contained in grandmother's teeth affect the receptors in the hypothalamus that control sex hormones.
Grandma's teeth blocks those receptors in the hypothalamus that make him think that sex hormone levels are lower than they actually are. Due to this, the hypothalamus signals the production of hormones, which leads to increased production of testosterone.
Grandma's teeth help improve reproductive ability in both sexes, increased ovulation and libido. The herb has a good effect on the frequency of sexual intercourse, increasing the number of sperm and semen, as well as improving the speed of sperm.
The herb is suitable for relieving premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Some studies show that grandma's teeth have a protective effect on the prostate.
Grandma's teeth is used to treat cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and increase the acidity of gastric juice. Cholesterol-lowering preparations are made on the basis of the herb.
Grandma's Teeth is considered a powerful natural steroid that promotes muscle growth. Due to this action, the herb is very popular among athletes. It is also included in the composition of some food supplements.
The properties of grandmother's teeth to maintain blood sugar levels make it an extremely valuable herb for maintaining normal weight and performing weight loss regimens. Tea from grandmother's teeth prevents a sharp drop in blood glucose after a meal.
Dosing of grandmother's teeth
The herb grandma's teeth is very strong and should be taken strictly as directed. Alcohol is not drunk during its use because it affects its action.
Necessary products: 5 tbsp. (25 g) finely chopped herb grandma's teeth, 1 liter of water
Method of preparation: The indicated amount of grandma's teeth is boiled for 1 hour on a low heat in water. Leave to stand for 24 hours. Then strain it 2 times through filter paper - the tea should not contain any particles of the herb, especially small thorns, which can tear the inner soft
Dilute the resulting tea with another 1 liter of water and store it in the refrigerator at all times. 1 g of citric acid per liter of tea can extend the shelf life of the herb up to a month.
Grandma's teeth tea is drunk in the morning, noon, evening after meals according to the following scheme:
Day 1: 3 tbsp. (30 ml)
Day 2: 4 tbsp. (40 ml)
Day 3-7: 5 tbsp. (50 ml)
There is a 10-day break and the reception can continue according to the same scheme. The optimal option are 4 courses in 10 days rest interval between them. Take a 1-2 month break and you can repeat the same pattern. Prophylactically, 3 courses per year are enough, again with an interval of 10 days between them.
Harms from grandmother's teeth
Grandma's teeth no known side effects. In rare cases, some of the people who use it complain of stomach disorders. These ailments can be avoided if the herb is taken with food.
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Benefits Of The Herb Grandma's Teeth

Tribulus Terrestris or the herb Grandma's teeth is a plant that grows in regions with temperate and tropical climates. For centuries, it has played an important role in traditional medicine. For medicinal purposes, the aboveground part of the herb is used leaves and fruits.
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Grandma's Teeth Against Prostatitis

Grandma's teeth are also known as tummy tuck, wild baskets, jealous weed. This name refers to a perennial herbaceous fibrous plant that blooms in purple, red or pale purple flowers. In Bulgaria it can be found only on the slopes of Vitosha and Lyulin mountains, up to 800 m above sea level.