Foods That You Can Eat Late At Night

Foods That You Can Eat Late At Night
Foods That You Can Eat Late At Night

Everyone has been hungry in no time. Whether this happens before you go to bed or you wake up at night with your stomach close to your ribs - an attack on the fridge is inevitable.

You probably feel bad after that because you trust nutritionists to there is nothing more harmful than a late meal. Well, it's time to reassure you. There is foods you can eat at night with a clear conscience without spoiling your figure. And on top of that, some of them will even improve the quality of your sleep.

Hummus with crackers or vegetables

It is made from chickpeas and sesame tahini - both ingredients are full of protein. Which practically means that the hummus will keep you full all night. You can combine it with one or another cracker. But if you want to save calories, it's best to replace them with carrot and cucumber sticks.


Oatmeal can be eaten in the evening
Oatmeal can be eaten in the evening

This may seem more appropriate for breakfast, but oats contain the type of carbohydrates that are absorbed slowly by the body. Which means they will keep hunger away for a long time. In addition, oats normalize the peaks of high blood sugar, which often cause you to wake up at night. It will also stimulate your brain to release more melatonin, which helps with good sleep.


Homemade popcorn is great for midnight hungry peoplebecause they don't have a lot of calories, but they are quite filling. They also have slow carbs, which means it's much better to eat a bowl of popcorn than biscuits or ice cream. The latter will break down quickly and you may soon wake up hungry again.


Yogurt is a useful food in the evening
Yogurt is a useful food in the evening

A great source of protein and probiotics for a healthy intestinal flora. Yogurt also contains a lot of calcium, which will help your brain relax and sleep like a baby. If you really like something sweet, cut some fruit in the milk and add chia seeds for an even more filling effect.

Pumpkin seeds

They contain a solid amount of magnesium, which is the best means of restful sleep. Pumpkin seeds also contain zinc, which stimulates the brain to produce serotonin. They are also a good bet when you can't sleep and are nervous. So take a bowl of seeds and sit in front of the TV before heading to the bedroom.


Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps muscles relax. If you are very hungry, add to them 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter, which due to its high fat content will saturate you for a long time.

A handful of nuts

Almonds are an ideal food late at night
Almonds are an ideal food late at night

If you do not care about pouring, peeling and washing dishes, it is best to eat some nuts - fast and clean work. They are high in protein and fat, which means that they will keep you full all night. They also optimize mental activity. Especially walnuts contain melatonin.

Cottage cheese or cottage cheese

They are a great source of melatonin and serotonin. Some consider cottage cheese only as food while on a diet. However, it is a hidden weapon for falling asleep. It contains slowly degradable casein, which can even help you lose weight while you sleep. You can put a handful of raspberries or berries on the cottage cheese or cottage cheese for more taste and splendor. A spoonful of honey will also transport you more easily to the land of dreams.
