That Is Why We Should Eat Only Seasonal Foods

That Is Why We Should Eat Only Seasonal Foods
That Is Why We Should Eat Only Seasonal Foods

Most people have heard that it is advisable, if we want to be healthy and full of energy, to consume certain foods according to the season we are in.

If you follow the maxim "I am what I eat" the best choice for you is, say, in the spring to eat products that grow and ripen only in the spring and so on.

The green and fresh colors of spring vegetables will bring harmony to your life and will make you feel the freshness and cheerful mood of the early spring dew.

Following this principle, we merge with nature, thus most easily nourishing our health. This is the main thing that happens to our body in spring and summer - it is nourished and recharged for the coming autumn and winter, when the choice of fresh food is relatively limited.

Our organs are so arranged that they need this supplementation of different in shape, color and taste foods in different seasons.

Healthy breakfast
Healthy breakfast

Even if you think that you are eating healthily, because you eat mostly salads, if they are not in accordance with the season and you consume them for too long, the body is oversaturated and they do not affect it in the desired way.

Today on the market we can find a rich collection of all kinds of fruits and vegetables all year round, which means that they are treated with a huge amount of preparations to last longer and at the same time, not only are they no longer useful, but in some cases they become harmful or even dangerous to our health.

The sun, the rain, the wind, the snow during the different seasons affect mainly our appearance, but at the same time the food is the one that helps us to adapt and to ensure the desired harmony between the vision and the health.
