Separate Diet

Separate Diet
Separate Diet

Separate eating is a popular diet for which many books have been written and is famous as one of the healthiest methods to lose weight. The idea of this diet is to prevent the combination of acidic and alkaline foods. The method was created in the 1920s by William Howard Hay, who first divided food into 3 groups - acidic, alkaline and neutral.

The current variations on Hay's original diet are really many, but they all promise weight loss in an easy and completely natural way. In diets with separate meals within 1 day you can eat only from a certain food group - only fruits, only vegetables, only meat, etc.

Undoubtedly the most famous diet, based on a separate diet, is the 90-day diet, but there are many other shorter options. Their success is undeniable and many ladies say they have achieved good results. At the heart of a separate diet is the idea of combining foods properly.

The intake of protein and carbohydrate foods must be separated in different diets, as different enzymes are needed for efficient digestion. When we combine foods incorrectly, we make it difficult for the body and this leads to weight gain. To get a clearer idea of the idea itself, get acquainted with the basic rules that must be followed.

1. Proteins and carbohydrates to be taken separately;

Steak with vegetables
Steak with vegetables

2. The intake of food from different groups to take place over a period of at least 4 hours;

3. The fruit should not serve as a dessert, but as a separate meal, preferably breakfast;

4. Milk cannot be combined with foods containing protein or carbohydrates;

5. Pasta is kept to a minimum, and it is best to dedicate a separate day to deceive the body that the intake of carbohydrates has not stopped completely;

6. It is also desirable to reduce legumes, as they contain both proteins and carbohydrates;

7. Two or more proteins should not be combined in one meal, ie you cannot eat pork chop prepared with cream, etc.

8. Carbohydrates can be best combined with vegetables (a slice of lyutenitsa or fresh vegetables).
